Wednesday 11 July 2012

Warm salad with prosciutto

I have finally remembered to start enjoying the Homes & Gardens magazines I found at the flea market a few months ago. Not all at once of course but one issue for every two days or so. There is so much going on at our place these days that even this pace feels like a luxury.

The other day I noticed a delicious-looking recipe and left the magazine open on the table hoping I might remember to buy the few missing ingredients to try it. And I actually managed to bring home some asparagus, which is essential to this dish. I was still lacking some makings but simply replaced them with something of the same sort.

Salade tiède au jambon de Parme
(adapted from Maille Dijon mustard company’s recipe Salade tiède au boeuf given in the brackets)

1 kg of new potatoes                            cook in a steamer for 20 min
1 bunch of asparagus                          cook in a steamer for 15 min
10 slices of dry-cured ham                cut into pieces
(0r 350 g of roast beef                        chop into chunks and dry-fry)
1 onion (or 3 salad onions)                chopped     
Parsley according to taste                chopped
1 tablespoon of capers
1 garlic clove                                         chopped

3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon of Maille (Wholegrain or) Honey mustard
Pepper to taste

As we are still waiting for the hot July days to reach our corner of the world, we served the salad warm with a generous grinding of pepper on top. It was delicious and would without fail also serve as an excellent cold lunch with a piece of freshly baked bread and an ice-cold drink. I wish...

PS. We had the leftovers straight from the fridge the following day. Délicieux !

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